who we
About Us
Since 2021 we have been goofin' and creating.
We try to re-use 2nd hand clothes and eco ink where possible and be sustainable for those who care about planetary doom.
We're always skint so you dont have to be, sellin' sustainble clothing at the price it should be. High quality clothing isn't only for the middle class ;)
Transparency lives at the heart of HINK. We would rather admit we ain't perfect then green wash our deciples. We can only take industry standards such as GOTS and Fareware's word for it. Until we grow large enough to ensuer full sustainablity.
We aim to support mental health charities with 10% of profits going directly to them, because at the end of the day we are all flawed hopeless human beings and we need help
here at hink
we are doing the do
The true secret of our success lies in doing good things. Hink is committed to fostering creativity in people. We celebrate artists, their cultures, and the transformative, self-expressive power of their artform. (We think that sounds clever what ever it means)